Memories Galore!
Daddy at his bedroom door at Monaco Arms 137 Daddy
was a polio survivor.

During his final years, post polio syndrome
took its toll.

On the left is
the last picture
I have of him standing.

It was taken in
April of 1991

Mama and Daddy on the dock at either Destin or Fort Walton Beach on the Gulf Coast of Florida
The summer of '62
on the Gulf Coast of Florida
Daddy and Beverly at Kingsley's Lake
It didn't stop him from having a good time though. Here he is at Kingsley's Lake, Florida with my sister, Beverly.
Daddy with toy goat
Mama started it
and Daddy continued it
the collection of stuffed animals.
Here he is with a stuffed goat
my niece, Deborah, gave him
for his 95th birthday.
Mama thought it was cool!

Daddy and Kenneth on the river
Fishing with his grandson-in-law on the St. John's River!

Deborah, Kelly, Alisha, Jennifer, Deborah, Mildred, Elva, Harold and Daddy at Kingsley's Lake
Uh-oh, there he goes again!
On the other hand, we all look pretty well fed there!

Drawings by my nephew, Chad.